Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Erotic Author, Rachel Leigh heats up Wicked Wednesday with her story, Coming Back.

Welcome to Wicked Wednesday where we dive into all things wicked. Today we have Erotic Romance Author, Rachel Leigh joining us to talk about her book, Coming Back which is available now at The Wild Rose Press. She's also been nice enough to answer our questions, toss in an excerpt and a blurb, AND offer an ecopy of one of her stories to one lucky commenter!

(Don't want to miss any giveaways or exciting naughty talk? Feel free to join my blog followers on the right of this page)

Let's get started!

RR: Tell us a little about " Coming Back"

RL: “Coming Back” is a story about lost love and all the emotion that entails. It’s a story of angry passion, needful passion and a battle of wills to fight for what both the hero and heroine both need to move forward. Loved writing it! :)

RR: What was your inspiration for this wicked story?

RL: Rather than inspiration for the story idea itself, I started writing Coming Back when I heard the heroine’s voice in my head.

I was ironing and suddenly a female voice said, “That’s it, I’m going celibate.” That was I had. Then I answered the questions. Who? What? Why? When? How?

RR: Is there a message in your book that you want readers to grasp or was it written for the purpose of pure naughty enjoyment?

RL: A lot of my books have a central theme of ‘trust’. I only recently realized this when a fellow writer pointed it out to me. I suppose my message in this story is about trust and open communication. A lot of heartbreak can be avoided if we were just honest with each other!

RR: Describe your writing process?

RL: What’s that?? Only joking! I certainly don’t wait for the muse to strike. I treat my writing as a job and do it even when I don’t feel like it. If I’m stuck for ideas, I usually scan the newspaper or chose a favorite episode of a TV program and see how I can make it different.

Then I just write. The first draft is my ‘dirty’ draft where anything goes from start to finish. The second and third drafts are where the hard work comes in!

RR: How long have you been writing?

RL: I am fairly new to erotic romance writing and started about two years ago. I’m still learning and my editor and fellow authors have played a huge part in that.

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RR: Are there any authors you would name as influences?

RL: For storytelling and characterization, I admire Nora Roberts – for me, she continually does what she’s supposed to – deliver great stories. As far as sensuality and the art of writing erotic romance, there are too many to mention.

I read the genre, enjoy the genre and hope to continue to be published in the genre. Erotic romance is romance but with that added freedom of making the most of physical expression.

RR: What led you to the erotic genre?

RL: I’ve always loved to read it but when I started writing, I only wrote mainstream romance but found the love scenes weren’t as explicit as the characters wanted them. Therefore, erotic was the way forward!

RR: Are you currently working on anything deliciously wicked?

RL: I am due to start a brand new story this week – I have started sketching out a plan but it’s too early to give you the details. My characters are always British but I put them anywhere in the world.

My latest (which was just accepted by The Wild Rose Press) is set in Zante so I might have to come home for the next one ;)

RR: You've got six key words to describe your own wicked fantasy. What are these six words? (Example: Huge Jackman, Naked, Beach, Sunset, Mojito's, Orgasm)

RL: Matthew McConaughey, Naked, Field, Picnic, Wine, Orgasm

RR: Sleepwear: Nude of PJ's?


RR: Sweet & chocolaty, or salty & crunchy?

RL: Sweet & Chocolatey

RR: Hugh Jackman or Brad Pitt?

RL: Hugh Jackman

RR: What is your all-time favorite "get you in the mood" song?

RL: Ooh, tough one! I am a romantic girl at heart, so ‘She’ by Elvis Costello. These things should be taken slowly sometimes…

RR: Can you share a wicked excerpt with us today? (the naughtier, the better! *wink*)

RL: Of course! Here’s the blurb, excerpt and buy link for “Coming Back”


Kelly Hampton loved once...and lost. After two years of looking for Sean MacKenzie in other men--and failing miserably--she takes a vow of celibacy. No sex until she finds love. Then Sean strolls back into her bar, reigniting old flames. No one has come close to understanding or satisfying her like he did. Her body burns for the passion they once shared, but her heart still remembers the pain.

Sean escaped Jessop Hill and his father's fists in the middle of the night without a word--even to his love, Kelly--to protect his battered mother, but he never forgot the explosively erotic relationship he left behind. Now his father is dead and Sean is back for the only woman he's ever wanted. Their reunion is full of fire – but can sexual attraction and noble intentions overcome years of heartache or will Kelly walk away to protect her heart this time.


The center of his boxers were tented and she slid them down his thighs too. Dragging the jeans and boxers over his feet, she dropped them to the floor and turned to stare at the beautiful length of him. Her pussy throbbed and she pressed her thighs together in an attempt to stem it. His cock was erect and wide, long and hard and bloody hell she wanted it buried deep inside her. And she would - but not quite yet. She swallowed before slowly stretching her body out across the bed, feline in interest and execution, she hovered her lips over him, gently flicking out her tongue and lapping the bead of moisture at its tip.

His sharp intake of breath was like a wire to her moist slit and it ached in anticipation. The deal was off. She would take the grief from the boys at the bar, she would accept the ribbing and jibing, Sean was too good to pass up. Celibacy or no celibacy.

Taking him fully in her mouth, his pulsing, exquisitely eager cock slipped to the back of her throat as she nestled her nose against his rough thatch of pubic hair. Kelly sucked and licked. In and out she drew that thick warm member. Her wetness trickled softly down her leg as she trailed her tongue up and down his shaft, her fist clasped firmly around the base as she maneuvered him back and forth.

RR: What a fantastic excerpt! Thanks so much for sharing and joining us today on Wicked Wednesday.

(NOTE: Don't forget to leave a comment AND your email address for a chance to win one of Rachel Leigh's titles.)

Click here to buy a copy of Coming Back today!

Rachel can be found:



Rynne Raines said...

Hi Rachel! I'm so glad to have you on the blog today. Great interview answers!

Rynne Raines said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel Leigh - Erotic Romance said...

Great to be here! Hope we have some company...intrigued by the removed post!

Speak later :)

Rachel x

Rynne Raines said...

Oh, the deleted post was just a duplicate. Nothing special. Dunno why it did that. Yeah, I'm hoping for company too. Dunno where everyone is today. It's so quiet. So weird.

Nona Raines said...

Hi Rynne and Rachel,
I enjoyed the interview very much! I enjoy stories set in England. Rachel, yours sounds like a lot of fun! Best of luck!

Reece Herring said...

WOW hot excerpt! And great interview, I love stories set in England, and the accent ... mmm Hugh Grant hehe. Keep up the wicked writing ladies!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wicked read. Fantastic interview : )

Harlie Williams said...

Rachel you just described my fantasy with MM. You know, he is a Texas boy and the Texas boys know who to show a girl a good time. :)

Its been quiet everywhere lately. I think that most people haven't gotten back into the swing since the holidays.

Marika Weber

Unknown said...

I like the detailed description of the encounter in the excerpt!

dave94015 at gmail dot com

Amanda Holly said...

Good interview! And thank you for the scrumptious image of Matthew! Yummy!

You don't mention if you write for other genres and I'm intrigued seeing as you said you'd been writing erotic romance for 2 years?

Rachel Leigh - Erotic Romance said...

Wow, a girl dares to go to bed and wakes up to find all these lovely visitors have stopped by! :D

Nona & Reece, I am so glad you like the English settings because this is where I plan to set the majority of my stories seeing as I know it so well. Saying that, the novella that I've had accepted by TWRP this week is set in Zante, Greece where we recently holidayed - the characters are British though!

Hi, Harlie! My good friend - you have a naughty thing for MM too, huh? What I wouldn't give... ;)

Hi Dave, nice to see you here - things certainly hot up during the story. If you're wanting more!

Hi Amanda! Great to see you here - yes, I do write mainstream romance under a different name...but I like to keep up the intrigue! ;)

Right, time to get my cover art sheet back to my editor - this is my favorite part about the writing, lol!

See you later,

R x

Rynne Raines said...

I just received word from Rachel and the winner of the draw is Reece Herring! Congrats Reece! Please email me at: rynneraines at hotmail dot com to collect your prize.